by fivestarweb | Sep 30, 2022 | Middletown, Central Air, Cooling, Cooling Power, Easy Automation, Installation, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Temperature, Window Unit
When deciding how you will beat the heat within your home on those hot summer days, one must first figure out what is the best option for you and your home. With that, which is the better option? To help you out, Middletown Heating & Cooling has listed some...
by fivestarweb | Sep 16, 2022 | Fall, Air Filter, Air Purifier, Back-to-school, Blog, Fall Preparation, HVAC, Middletown, Ohio, Thermostat
Back to school may be an exciting time for some, a stressful time for others, or a combination of the two. And whether you’re just starting your higher education journey, furthering your education, or your kids are returning to school this fall, it can all feel...
by fivestarweb | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Believe it or not, ceiling fans not only save us money during the warm weather but cool temperatures as well. The only real difference between the seasons is the fan’s speed and its rotation direction. Set your fans to move counterclockwise in the summer to save...
by fivestarweb | Aug 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
Is it just me, or do our Ohio summers keep getting hotter and hotter? It’s bad enough to have an air conditioning unit that isn’t functioning well, but what do you do if it goes out? Well, the first thing you shouldn’t do is panic. Middletown Heating & Cooling...
by fivestarweb | Aug 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s fair to say that we all have some degree of appreciation for a functioning A/C. Whether we take the time to try to understand these complex systems is a whole other story. Middletown Heating & Cooling would like you to know the crucial components that make up...
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